
Erasmus+ KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title:  eSafety-eCreativity Network for Teachers, Parents & Guardians

The challenges posed by the increased digital exposure of children nowadays are major and to effectively address them, a closed collaboration among the people involved in their upbringing and education is important.

Such collaboration will not only ensure a unified approach in addressing those challenges but will also allow an exchange of knowledge and experiences that will contribute to the wholeness and effectiveness of the approach.

However, for all stakeholders involved in the so-called ‘support system’ of children to be able to address those challenges, they need to be fully digital competent themselves. This will not only allow them to effectively guide children in their journey in the digital world but, more importantly, to become role models for the children when it comes to responsible digital engagement.

The project eSafety-eCreativity Network for Teachers, Parents & Guardians is significant in addressing the following:

1. Addressing Digital Transformation through Development of Digital Readiness, Resilience, and Capacity:

The project aims to create a digital-capable and well-informed support system, by cultivating digital competencies among educators, parents/guardians, and related professionals to promote and support digital readiness, with a specific emphasis on cyberbullying and digital addiction, through the availability of high-quality learning opportunities and e-consultancy.

2. Creating a Holistic Network of Learning and Cooperation

The project aims to establish a holistic network of learning and cooperation in the model of a social network, that will allow the exchange of ideas, knowhow and expertise among parents/guardians, educators, and related professionals.

3. Providing the appropriate educational tools and pedagogical approaches

The project aims to arm parents/guardians, educators and related professionals with creative educational tools that will allow them to address the challenges of cyberbullying and digital addiction with children as well as pedagogical techniques that will develop communication skills among parents/guardians, educators, and professionals, fostering a relationship of trust with children.

Internet addiction

By 2025, the monthly number of active social network users is expected to reach 4.41 billion.

One of the more shocking social media facts and stats is that by 2025, the monthly number of active social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion globally, according to Statista. To put that into perspective, that is about one-third of the world’s entire population. It’s important to mention that the number of social media uses has been gradually increasing since 2017.


Social media is currently home used by 58.5% of the world population.

A Smart Insights study recently revealed that more than half of the global population is active on social media in some form or another in 2022. That means that roughly 4.62 billion people now use social media. Also, the average usage per day amounts to 2 hours and 27 minutes. The study further suggests that this number has been growing due to multi-networking. Facts about social media addiction establish that the growing adoption of these platforms causes dramatic spikes in usage by certain age groups which often leads to uncontrollable or excessive use of social media.

(Smart Insights) 

More than 200 million people worldwide are estimated to suffer from addiction to social media and the internet.

Human dependence on technology grows by the day and is reflected in the growing number of solutions designed to make life simpler and hassle-free. But is technological advancement risk-free? Social media addiction research reveals that some 210 million people worldwide suffer from some form of internet and social media addiction. Studies further suggest that the situation will only get worse.

(Influencer Marketing Hub) 

Social media sees some teens spending more than seven hours each day logged in.

While teenagers all over the world have a tendency to use digital technologies excessively, social media addiction facts also reveal that American teens spend 7 hours and 22 minutes  on average per day browsing through various social media. One reason for this is that being in one’s teens usually means having plenty of free time and devices that are more accessible. For instance, 53% of children own a smartphone by the time they’re 11.

(Common Sense Media) 

Symptoms of depression are twice as likely to appear in teens who spend more than 5 hours a day on their smartphones.

Internet and social media addiction facts show that teenagers who spend between five and seven hours each day are twice as likely to suffer from symptoms of depression compared to their counterparts that only use their smartphones for one hour per day. This goes to show that the consequences of accessibility to social media and technology may be more serious than expected.


Social Media statistics confirm that 90% of people aged 18-29 use social media in any form available.

Social media consumption is most frequent among the youngest adults. According to Statista’s report, a staggering 90% of people aged 18-29 state that they use social media in any form available, meaning they are at the highest risk of becoming social media addicts. Those aged 30-49 have a smaller share of 82%. The stats keep lowering as the age of participants goes up, with those aged 50-64 reporting 69% consumption and the 65+ age group going as low as 40%.


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