
Focusing on the thematic area of Digital Safety, the deliverables of this project are:

Creation of original interactive educational & training material to be used by parents/guardians, educators and professionals, with focus on:

  • Development of children’s Digital Readiness & Digital Competences specific to 2 thematic axes axes (internet addiction and cyberbullying): creation of 2 3D animated videos, accompanied by 2 interactive educational videos. The material will be developed with the possibility to be customized and expanded by the community according to the needs of different target groups. The community will also have the opportunity to create play-based learning activities based on the material, either digital or with physical materials, that they will be able to share with other members, through a collaborative environment
  • Development of Counseling skills: focusing on empathetic active listening techniques, creation of 1 interactive training guide with material that falls into the following topics: a) Theoretical review of the term empathetic active listening, b) Presentation of various activities such as, focused discussions, teaching scripts, teaching scripts, simulation exercises, role- playing games, and c) Linking theory and practice.

Creation of an online distance learning environment (iLE) for parents, guardians, educators and professionals.

 iLE combines e-learning with features of networking and collaborative platforms. Through this environment, community members will have the possibility to share ideas, know-how and customised material, in a special repository that will be created within the iLE

Design and deliver of training program for parents/guardians, educators and professionals, offering high quality, flexible learning opportunities in an experiential way for adults, with focus on:

  • Development of Digital Readiness & Digital Competences specific to the 2 thematic areas. Through this training, they will develop such skills that will enable them to better understand and address issues of digital readiness and effectively assist children in cultivating digital skills
  • Development of counselling skills based on the techniques of empathetic active listening. Through this training, they will develop such skills that will enable them to communicate and cultivate digital skills in the children. Therefore, their parental / educational / counselling role will be strengthened.

Establishment of an e-Counseling Center, focused on the Support of Digital Readiness and the cultivation of Digital Competences of parents/guardians, teachers and professionals (social workers and consulting experts)

  • The purpose of the e-Counseling Center is, through the techniques of active listening, to encourage the participants in the promotion of communication and discussion with children, regarding the thematic axes of the program.

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